Slay The Season: Your Ultimate Guide to Chic and Cozy HolidayOutfits For Any Occasion
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Slay The Season: Your Ultimate Guide to Chic and Cozy HolidayOutfits For Any Occasion

As the holiday season approaches and the invitations to multiple gatherings with friends, family, and colleagues roll in, finding something to wear should be easy.

Weather it’s a Friendsgiving celebration, Thanksgiving dinner, an annual holiday celebration at work, or Christmas dinner, showing up in a stylish yet elegant outfit will sure turn heads and have you stand out from the crowd. This year, we’re embracing the magic of the holidays not just through decorations and festivities, but also through style.

From sophisticated silhouettes – to playful patterns, finding the right balance of elegance and comfortbecomes paramount. Knowing what patterns, fabrics, and trends are in season can help narrow down the options we have to choose from.

When choosing your holiday outfits, there are a few basics you must stick to and start with as the basic
options of picking out what to wear.

- Stick to neutral colors as you base. (Black, white, beige, gray)
- Form fitting/ things that compliment your body shape is a must.
- Add a pop of color to brighten up your outfit.
- If your choosing patterns (sequins, plaid, striped, leather) make sure it’s in season and fitting for
the occasion. Be careful with mixing trends in an effort to be too “trendy”.
- Keep your hair, shoes, and accessories to a minimum. Keep it elegant and clean.

To make a very long story short, keep it cute, simple, and classy. Wear things that you know will be a
showstopper and speaks to your personality.
Do not forget to account for comfort when embracing your inner chic-ness, and if it’s a family affair,
color coordinating is always the way to go.

“ Fashion is what you’re offered four times a year by designers. And
style is what you choose.” – Lauren Hutton
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